LBSIM Delhi PGDM Direct Management Quota Admission

LBSIM Delhi: Shaping Leaders for Tomorrow

Mission and Vision: Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management (LBSIM) Delhi is committed to nurturing leaders with a global perspective. Our mission is to provide holistic education that fosters ethical values, innovation, and social responsibility.

Application Process: Discovering the opportunities at LBSIM is straightforward. Our application process is designed to be user-friendly, allowing aspiring students to effortlessly apply, track progress, and stay updated.

PGDM Courses Offered: LBSIM offers a range of PGDM courses designed to cater to diverse specializations. These include PGDM General, PGDM Finance, PGDM Research & Business Analytics, and PGDM Logistics & Supply Chain Management.

Entrance Exam: Admission to PGDM courses at LBSIM is based on competitive exam scores. Aspirants need to appear for exams like CAT (Common Admission Test) and meet the institute’s eligibility criteria.

Strengths and Facilities: LBSIM’s strength lies in its industry-relevant curriculum, experienced faculty, and strong corporate connections. Our well-equipped campus features modern classrooms, a resourceful library, advanced labs, and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Campus Life: The campus buzzes with a vibrant student life. Various clubs, events, and activities ensure a holistic development experience. Guest lectures, industry interactions, and cultural fests enrich the academic journey.

Admission Process: The admission process involves evaluating candidates’ academic background, entrance exam scores, group discussions, personal interviews, and overall profile assessment.

In conclusion, LBSIM Delhi stands as a pillar of educational excellence, molding future leaders with a comprehensive approach. Explore our mission-driven ethos, diverse PGDM courses, streamlined application process, enriching campus life, and up-to-date information. Join us at LBSIM Delhi to embark on a transformative journey towards a successful career.